In it, players will control the character combined with 1 of 4 gods such as Ares, Hades, Zeus, and Poseidon. The multiplayer online mode enables them to earn rewards from the gods with up to 8 players. In addition, the game also has various puzzles installed in the game so that players can experience after fierce battles. Players will control the character to perform the basic elements in the game such as climbing, jumping over obstacles to reach the target. In addition to creatures from Greek mythology, the game also creates other monsters such as Juggernauts, Wraiths, and Manticores. In the game, the player controls the main character, Kratos, to engage in fights with the enemy.
To satisfy the fans of gamers, the game was officially released in 2013 by Sony Computer Entertainment. This is the next game released after the previous super series. God of War Ascension Ps3 Iso Download “God of War: Ascension Ps3” is an action-adventure video game modeled after the Greek Myths developed by the game house Santa Monica Studio.